Hair Transplant has garnered tremendous popularity over the recent years and is viewed as an exciting solution by both men and women experiencing untimely hair fall. Deciding to undergo a hair transplant procedure is a big step and you must absorb a lot of information before undergoing the procedure in order that you make an informed decision and do not regret your decision later. Gathering information concerning the procedure and its repercussions is vital to ensure that you what to expect from the procedure and do not end up regretting.
You need to certainly ask plenty of questions before opting for a hair transplant and through this blog, we will bring forth the list of important questions you need to ask before a hair transplant.
Important Questions You Need to Ask Before a Hair Transplant
Here is a list of the important questions you need to ask before a hair transplant:
1. Am I young for a Hair Transplant?
This is one of the important questions you need to ask since there are numerous age-related factors that determine the suitability of a candidate for a hair transplant procedure. The surgeons examine the current degree of hair loss and the future implications of the patient’s hair loss patterns. Surgeons monitor your hair loss patterns to identify the best time to undergo a hair transplant and some surgeons consider preserving the hair for younger patients and take steps to prevent a future loss of hair instead of simply carrying out the procedure.
2. How Many Grafts Would I Need?
You must ask your surgeon about the number of follicular grafts or the number of hairs you require per centimeter. This is important because the cost of the procedure will depend upon the number of grafts and therefore, you must question this in order that your surgeon doesn’t overcharge you. The number of hairs or follicular grafts will also depend upon the size of the surface you wish to be covered as well as the hair density you seek to achieve.
3. How much Donor Hair is Available?
This is another important question to ask since the amount of donor hair availability is vital to the extent and success of the surgery and will make you better informed about what results to expect.
4. How much does the procedure cost?
This is one of the important questions you need to ask since you must be familiar with how much it will cost you before proceeding ahead with it to ensure you can afford it. The cost of the procedure varies from patient to patient and you must ask your surgeon about how much will the procedure cost you for getting the hair density you seek to achieve and the surface size you seek to cover.
5. How long will the procedure last? How many sittings would be required?
You must inquire about the length of the procedure and the number of settings that will be required that will help you adjust your calendar accordingly. The length of the procedure can vary depending on the size of the treated area and the number of follicles that need to be transplanted and may require multiple sittings in some patients.
6. Whether I will be required to follow any hair loss medications besides my Hair Transplant?
You must ask your surgeon whether you need to follow any topical medications or supplements even after undergoing hair transplant since surgeons prescribe medications to some patients in order to decelerate the hair loss rhythm and hold the available hair for longer.
7. Will I require any Subsequent Hair Transplants?
At the time of initial consultation, you must ask your surgeon whether you will be required to undergo any subsequent hair transplants. You must enquire them about the degree of your hair loss since they are able to predict the future hair loss patterns and will help you determine whether you will require any subsequent hair transplants in the future.
8. Will the Hair Appear Natural?
You must enquire your surgeon whether the procedure will produce natural looking hair and question them about different techniques available to produce a natural look. You must opt for the techniques that are effective in delivering most natural looking results.
9. What is the Recovery Time?
You must question your surgeon about the amount of time it will take to recover since your scalp will be covered by bandages and your movement will be restricted. Questioning them about the recovery time will help you plan out your activities in advance.
10. When Will my hair start to grow?
You must question your surgeon about the amount of time it will take for your hair to grow fully since it will help you keep your expectations realistic. Though you will be able to observe the difference immediately post the completion of the procedure, you must question your surgeon about the time it will take to achieve effective results to keep realistic expectations.
11. Are the Results Permanent/How Long Do the Results Remain?
You must question your surgeon whether the results achieved through a hair transplant will be permanent or how long will the results last that will help you determine whether it is worth to spend the money, efforts and time on the procedure.
12. Do I need to completely shave my hair prior to the procedure?
You need to question your surgeon whether it is essential to shave your hair completely prior to undergoing a hair transplant surgery since hair carries so much worth for everyone and therefore, the question requires to be answered.
13. Am I having realistic expectations?
At the time of initial consultation, you must share your expectations from the procedure with your surgeon clearly to ensure making an informed choice. Highlighting your expectations clearly will help your surgeon tell you whether your expectations are realistic considering your hair loss patterns and the condition of your donor area.
Asking plenty of questions at the initial consultation will help you make an informed choice that you will not regret later since your doctor will specify exactly what you can expect from the procedure and thereby keep your expectations realistic.
Conclusion: We hope that this blog will familiarize you with the important questions you need to ask before a hair transplant.