Hair Transplant in Delhi

“Getting Bald! Want a solution?”

Don’t worry! We as the Best hair transplant in Delhi, here to help you get your shiny hair back on your head.

Hair Transplant is a BOON for Bald. It is done in a HOMELY ENVIRONMENT SKIN CLINIC.

Process for Hair Transplation

Step 1 – Frontal baldness area to be transplanted is marked.

Step 2 – Entire scalp is shaved and cleaned.

Step 3 – Backside of the scalp fro. Which grafts have to be taken is marked and cleaned.

Step 4 – Grafts are EXTRACTED from backside no STITCHES no scars.

Before and after

Step 5 EXTRACTED grafts from the back are IMPLANTED on the front.

If you lose your hair while combing or find some hair follicles on the pillow when you wake up after a good night sleep, then it is a sign of losing hair. Almost all men encounter this problem in the 30s to 40 due to hormonal changes. But, suddenly losing your shining hair day by day makes you depressed and gives you a feeling of getting old.

Our clinic, Sun Shine Skin Clinic is best for providing the secure hair transplant in Delhi to the clients and fulfill their desire to get hair back. Our clinic helps you in getting your hair back through a surgical procedure which involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body (where there is plenty of hair) to balding part of your head. In most cases, hair follicles from the back are extracted and transplanted on a bald portion of the head. Apart from covering the bald area, it is also used for restoring eyebrows, hair, and scar filling especially in case a person’s face has been severely damaged in an unfortunate accident.

Our best hair transplant clinic in Delhi has implemented successful hair transplant surgery with finest results. Our doctors ensure that post-surgery new hairs have the same pattern as original one so that nobody can doubt that you have gone through hair transplantation process. We treat at least 10 to 12 cases of hair transplantation on daily basis from Delhi NCR region.

hair transplant in Delhi

We use FUE hair transplant surgery which is latest and most known technology used for hair transplantation throughout the world. In this surgical procedure, skin containing extensive hair as well as genetically resistant to hair loss are extracted and implemented on the bald portion of the head. The bald region is thoroughly washed by shampoo and treated with washed with an antibacterial soap to ensure that no side effects occur post-surgery. During whole procedure, a patient is given anesthesia so that operation can be conducted successfully. After this, hair follicles from hair body parts such as chest, mustache or leg are extracted and injected into the bald area through a needle. Depending on the baldness, it may require more than one session to implement whole hair transplantation procedure. We are the best skin specialist in Delhi

Apart from hair transplantation, we are also known for providing laser hair removal in Delhi especially for women who want to look beautiful. We remove hair from your arms, legs, armpits or any other body portion to make you look beautiful. Our laser hair surgery is painless without any side effects on your body.

If your hair loss is frequent while combing, stroking your hair or sleeping, then you must consult us for hair transplant in Delhi. For booking an appointment, you just need to call or drop us an email at our email id mentioned on our website. Our clinic will arrange an appointment depending on your schedule and fix a date for hair transplantation within a week of the meeting.

We guarantee you that your hair problem will definitely resolve after our hair transplantation surgery and you will be able to live life normally again with a big smile on your face.