Every woman desires to have glowing, flawless, healthy, radiant and vibrant skin, however, aging and exposure to pollutants pose difficulty in maintaining glowing, healthy and vibrant skin. Glowing and vibrant face not only boosts up the confidence level but also enhances your overall personality and looks. You may get tired of spending thousands of bucks on beauty products for getting glowing skin, however, beauty products rarely work and prove to be effective only for some people.
Contrarily, homemade remedies and natural products can do wonders for the skin and help return your lost charm and glow instantly.
Through this blog, we will familiarize you with some of the best home remedies for getting glowing skin naturally.
Top 15 Home Remedies for getting Glowing Skin Naturally
We will now bring forth the list of the Top 15 home remedies for getting glowing skin naturally:
Papaya Face Mask: Papaya is rich in Vitamin A and proves effective in killing dead skin cells, curing skin impurities and possesses anti-aging properties that make it one of the best remedies for skin. You can prepare a papaya face pack by mixing one-half mashed papaya with half teaspoon sandalwood powder, half teaspoon aloe vera gel and few drops of rose water. Apply the paste to the skin, allow it to stand for about 15-20 minutes and wash your face with normal tap water. Papaya face pack reduces blemishes, dark spots, exfoliates and soothes the skin resulting in bringing a glow and radiance to the face. Apply this face mask twice or thrice a week for getting the best results.
Banana Face Pack: Banana serves effectively in moisturizing the skin, reducing wrinkles and is an excellent source of antioxidants that fight free radicals that can damage your skin and make it dry, dull and wrinkled. Prepare a banana face pack by mixing one mashed banana with two teaspoons of ground oatmeal, four teaspoons of raw milk, two teaspoons of wheat flour and a pinch of nutmeg. Apply the paste to the skin and allow it to stand for about 10-15 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. You can repeat this regimen twice a week to get the most effective results. You can rely on this amazing face pack for getting the instantly glowing skin.
Orange Peel Face Pack: Oranges are rich in Vitamin C that makes them effective in reducing wrinkles, improving complexion and achieving radiant, beautiful and young looking skin. You can prepare an orange peel to face pack by mixing orange peel powder with a few drops of honey, a pinch of turmeric powder and few drops of lemon juice with enough water. Apply the orange peel face mask and let it stand for nearly 20 minutes. Proceed to wash your face with lukewarm water and follow this regimen twice a week to get the best results.
Turmeric Face Pack: Turmeric acts miraculously for skin and has the potential to lighten your skin tone, make skin brighter and improve the elasticity of the skin. For preparing turmeric face pack, mix 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric powder with four-six teaspoons of milk and a few teaspoons of gram flour. Apply the paste to your skin and allow it to stand for about 30 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and repeat the procedure twice or thrice a week to get the best results. Alternatively, you can use opt for a paste of turmeric and fresh lemon juice.
Tomato Face Pack: Tomatoes serve effectively in lightening up skin tone, reducing and clearing up acne, reducing skin tan and adding instant glow and radiance to the face. For preparing a tomato face pack, mix two mashed tomatoes with two teaspoons of lemon juice or one mashed tomato with one tablespoon of sugar. Apply the paste on your skin, allow it to stand for about 20 minutes and rinse it off with cold water. You can use this face pack every alternate day for getting instant face glow.
Rice Flour Face Pack: Rice flour proves highly effective in reducing pigmentation, suntan and dark spots on the face, prevents the formation of wrinkles and helps to add extra glow and radiance to the face instantly. You can prepare a rice flour face pack by mixing rice flour, cucumber juice and lemon juice in the ratio 2:1:1 or a paste of rice flour and milk. Apply the paste to the moistened skin, allow it to stand for15-20 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm or cold water. Rice flour serves to exfoliate the skin, removes blood circulation producing smooth, blackhead-free glowing skin in minutes.
Oatmeal Face Pack: Oatmeal serves as the most natural scrub with the goodness of skin hydrating components and antioxidants that make it effective for delivering instant glow and radiance to the skin. For preparing an oatmeal face pack, make a paste with one cup ground oatmeal, one teaspoon rosemary, a dash of cinnamon, few drops of rose water and few drops of milk or alternatively prepare a paste by mixing few drops of rose water, one teaspoon sandalwood powder and two tablespoons of oatmeal powder. Proceed to apply the paste on the face, let it stand on for about 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water using upward scrubbing motions. Repeat this treatment twice a week for best results.
Cucumber Mask: Cucumbers are highly refreshing for the skin since they sooth and cool the skin while also revitalizing it and making it glow. You can prepare a cucumber face pack by mixing one-fourth mashed cucumber with one tablespoon aloe vera gel or by mixing one tablespoon of cucumber juice with a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch or two of turmeric powder. Apply the paste and let it rest for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.
Potato Face Pack: Potatoes is one of the excellent skin remedies since it contains natural bleaching agents that remove unwanted dark spots thereby improving the skin tone and adding instant glow and radiance to the face. You can prepare a potato face pack by mixing one mashed potato with few drops of rose water and few drops of honey. Apply it gently over the skin and let it rest on the skin for 20 minutes before wiping it off with tap water. Repeat this regimen routinely for getting quicker and best results.
Yoghurt and Honey Face Pack: Yoghurt keeps the skin moisturized while honey helps in improving skin texture and skin tone. Prepare a paste by mixing two tablespoons of yogurt with one tablespoon of honey and apply it on the skin while making it stand for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water and repeat the procedure daily for best results.
Multani Mitti (Fuller Earth) and Curry Leafs Face Pack: Fuller earth provides instant glow and radiance to the skin while curry leaves help remove dirt from the skin. Prepare a paste by mixing one tablespoon curry leaves powder, one teaspoon Multani mitti, a few drops of rose water and a half cup of cool water. Apply it on the skin and let it stay for a few minutes for getting a glowing, radiant and pimple-free skin.
Conclusion: We hope that going through this blog will definitely familiarize you with some of the best home remedies for getting glowing skin instantly.